Apr 15, 2013

E+C: Environment and Cities, An Urban Research Journal published by Terreform ONE

The E+C (Environment and Cities) journal addresses contemporaneous urban design topics in both detailed and extensive arguments. It has provoked an architectural and urban discourse uniquely embedded in good practice models. E+C considers how city design might implement the logic of ecological science to move outside conventional notions of sustainability.  Questioning the aura of green design, the schemes and writings presented in every journal focus on upending architecture’s ecological routine. Functioning at multiple scales, the works propose a tactic concurrently both drastic and sensible, concentrating analytical environmental issues through attuned and researched solutions.

Apr 14, 2013

MoMA PS1 VW Dome Lecture

Rockaway Waterfront -Alliance RWA lecture with Terreform ONE. VW Dome 2:
Productive Cities - Socio-Ecological Exploration of the Next Metropolis

Apr 1, 2013

ONE Prize Award aims to explore the social, economic, and ecological possibilities of urban transformation. This year’s competition is set in the context of severe climate dynamism.  How can cities adapt to the future challenges of extreme weather? The ONE Prize is a call to deploy sophisticated design to alleviate storm impact through various urban interventions such as: protective green spaces, barrier shorelines, alternative housing, waterproofing technology, and public space solutions. We wish to reinvigorate infrastructure and repurpose spaces towards environmental adaptation in order to put design in the service of the community.

Since 2010, One Prize has awarded over $40,000 in in prize money. We continue to promote all the winning projects and explore the possibilities of implementation in New York City and around the world.1st place     US $50002nd place    US $20003rd place     US $1000Press coverage by One Prize media sponsors.Presentation of Designs at Lectures and Exhibitions.Prominent Year-Long Exposure on the Competition Website.Early Registration by June 30, 2013Registration and Submission by August 31, 2013