Oct 11, 2009

MEx: A Design Cooperative Grows in Brooklyn

Architectural Record: archrecord2 Oct. 2009.
By Murrye Bernard
Together, Al Atarra and Interboro Partners established The Metropolitan Exchange (MEx), “an architecture, urban planning, and research cooperative” with the goal that members would “collaborate on architecture and planning projects, pursue development opportunities, and sponsor lectures, film screenings, and exhibitions.”
Word spread to friends and colleagues about the affordable studio space, attracting other emerging sole practitioners and small partnerships such as Decker Yeadon, MAN Architecture, Kaja Kuhl, and slo.vis, who find the space a much more productive environment than their living rooms. Aside from traditional architectural practices, other MEx tenants include Patten Studio, which provides design technology for interactive media; Terreform1, a non-profit philanthropic design collaborate; and Meredith TenHoor, who researches and writes on contemporary urbanism and politics.
